'The Post' Review
'The Post’ - 5.5/10
The film itself isn’t that great the main plus of course is the cast and how talented they are as well as well-known actors. We believe that such a great cast didn’t deserve such a weak story line especially when it could’ve been interesting if it had been explored more.
If you compare it to similar movies for example ‘Spotlight’ or just other journalism based movies, it wasn’t so interesting, lacking in tension and passion. It is a very mundane, simple movie as its topic has been used many times. We have to remind ourselves that there are plenty of movies made about the cornerstones of journalism and America’s imperialist political side. If you are going to make a movie of the backstage journalism during Nixon and Nixon’s corruption it needs to be new, fresh and fantastic, something that ‘The Post’ definitely wasn’t. Details such as Meryl Streep’s character which was very bland and wasn’t a good enough character to show off her talents. Her lines and point of view wasn’t written out well lacking in drive and just true feelings.

It makes us wonder how a director like Steven Spielberg being so experienced in Hollywood and is just clearly trying to gain another Academy Award made such a tedious film especially when he had a great cast, a great budget and such a mainstream topic. We think that his principal failure is that due to the Oscars being influenced a lot by social trends, his take on female empowerment is very weak and almost inexistent within the film. When you look at Meryl Streep’s character it almost seems that the effect it has is almost the opposite of female empowerment. In fact, when you look at Meryl Streep’s character she is only put in the story so that they could show the turning point of the phone call when she finally agrees with the publication of the documents.
Furthermore, when you look at all the female characters they are all dependent on the actions of the main narrative which was from the men of the film, for example Spielberg decided to put Tom Hanks’ character’s wife (played by Sarah Paulson) in the movie but didn’t give her much of a role, and barely any lines.
What makes the film deliciously good as said in the beginning was the cast. Especially seeing Tom Hanks and Meryl Streep performing together, and so much talent is one film is lovely to see. You understand the movies motive that free press is and can be used as a political instrument, and we can definitely relate to that due to modern incidents now. *cough* fake news *cough*
Signed, S&B