La 'Cine' è Bella
Who are We?
Hello, and welcome to our blog! We are a cute couple that are just massive film fanatics, so as we watch a lot of movies, why not review them on our own blog? Our names on the site are S and B, we don't put our full names because we want to keep a mysterious element to it all. S was born in London but moved to Portugal for her studies and later on found B. B has always lived in Portugal where he spent many days watching mostly classical films. We review any type of films from horrors to classics to rom-coms. We usually go to the cinema for our 'monthiversaries' and our best kind of dates are on the sofa watching a movie or an episode from the many series we watch together. Our main objective for this site is just to have fun and spread our opinions to others and even maybe start a healthy debate of films.
- Where did you get your title from?
B's favorite film is La Vita e Bella, an Italian film. So we decided to adapt the name to a fun reference for our blog name.
S unfortunately doesn't have any favorite film as she is to indecisive.